Do You Really Know The Rules Of Business Etiquette?

You may know the rules when it comes to working in an office, but this doesn’t really mean that you know the common business etiquette you need to follow in your workplace. Knowing the business etiquette well means making yourself look serious and responsible enough, and also straightforward when it comes to doing your duties. This will make you feel more comfortable in your work environment and won’t lead to any misunderstandings.

License: Creative Commons image source
License: Creative Commons image source

First, business etiquette must not be mistaken with office policy that every company has. Unlike the requirements that apply to some specific behaviour you need to follow when in your workplace, business etiquette is a whole system of common rules that are required in any work environment. These rules help you deal with the awkward situations with some tact and diplomacy that can really make your elegant and sophisticated part of your personality stand out.

Second, unlike most people’s beliefs, business etiquette is not related to being perfect and pedantic but to behaving intelligently and diplomatically in your work environment. And this means saying the right things in the perfect timing, picking the right clothes and making the right decisions when necessary. If we need to put that in other words, this means that you need to behave in the best way you possibly can. That is the reason why many people, often without even realizing it, show some disrespect towards their job and their position and become a pain in the back for their colleagues and bosses.

Here are a couple of several mandatory rules you need to follow in order to fit in a normal business environment. These rules always impress professionals and are a religion to all proven careerists. Check on how well you know business etiquette and what you need to change in order to have greater success in your job:

  1. Going on time for a business appointment means you are late. What do we mean by that? If you have an appointment with a potential customer, you are the one, who is supposed to be waiting for the other person to arrive, because you are actually depending on that person on becoming a regular customer of your company. This also applies to all cases when you get a certain fee for this appointment or are supposed to provide your partner with certain resources.
  2. You are supposed to use your cell phone or other mobile devices when you are out of the reach of the person next to you. Otherwise you break their privacy and concentration on what they are doing. In addition, you are also supposed to turn your cell phone off when you have a business meeting or another appointment. If you are expecting an important call, find a way to redirect your calls or ask somebody to take a message for you.
  3. Avoid making friends. Business environment is primarily formal, which means that you are not supposed to become too close with your business partners or other co-workers. Any emotional attachments and engagements in your job can be risky to your career, so you better think twice before starting a relationship with a colleague or a business partner. Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to ignore any friendly contacts with your colleagues but you better stick to the rule “do not mix business with pleasure” when communicating in your work place.
  4. Avoid using your social network accounts when in the office. This includes avoiding surfing on the Internet for purposes not connected to your job, using your Facebook and Tweeter accounts and your other messengers while working. Every big company has some technical supports specialists whose task is to monitor the efficiency of the employees. Which means that you don’t need to put yourself in trouble just because you are risking being caught. Leave social networks and surfing on the Internet for your leisure time and do your job the way you are supposed in order to have success.
  5. Be careful what you wear. The truth is that your outfit is very important when it comes to business environment. Neat and strictly business appearance will make a tremendously positive impression. So, keep to more standard business clothing in neutral colours and you won’t have to be worried about anything.

About the Author: Morgan Johnes is a manager in BinaryTribune. He really knows how to behave in the office. Here are few simple tips taken from his practice.