Interviewing 101: The Importance of Writing Thank You Notes

Chances are you were taught in college to send thank you notes after an interview. Many people brush off this tip, especially during their first jobs in fast food and other smaller jobs. However, thank you notes are not something to be taken lightly when it comes to landing a career. But, why? Why is a thank you note for an interview so important? Whether it’s to remind the company of your skills or to show professionalism, you need to remember this step. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of writing thank you notes.

Thank You Notes Serve as a Gentle Reminder

In this day and time, companies see hundreds of applicants for one job. Due to the poor economy, there is much more competition than there once was. One way you can stand out is by writing thank you notes. The note should thank the interviewer for his time and and briefly mention why you’re the best option for the job, without being too obvious. For example, you might say, “Thank you for taking the time to interview me last Thursday. I look forward to hearing from you and more thoroughly discussing the career. As a freelance writer with over six years of experience, I’m deeply intrigued by your company and the experiences the career has to offer.”

thank you notes
Business interview tips: Write a thank you note!

Thank You Notes Show Professionalism

Companies want employees who are professional in everything they do. Writing thank you notes shows interviewers that you are truly interested in the job and professional. It also gives you a chance to prove your communication skills, which are essential to most companies. It also allows you to stand out from your peers. Many people feel that this practice is outdated, but they’re wrong. Sending thank you notes to interviewers is one of the best things you can do after an interview to help improve your chances of getting hired.

Jobs, especially careers, aren’t as plentiful as they were 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. As someone looking for a career, you need to do what it takes to make yourself stand out from the crowd and get your name in front of the interviewer. One of the easiest ways you can do that is to send thank you notes. Whether you send an actual letter or email will depend on the type of company you’re interviewing for and how quickly the job will be filled. Regardless, this is something you need to do. It is even recommended that those offered the job before having a chance to send a thank you note, still send one that thanks the company for their time and offer.

About the Author: Armand Quintyne is a career counselor who makes sure all of his students know how to write resumes and thank you notes. He loves helping people find the resources to get a better education and often recommends sites like and others to those looking to get ahead.

Image: betsyweber / Flickr