Does Your Small Business Need More Mobility?

How does your small business go about trying to land more customers?

For some companies, it means providing better customer services. Others, meantime, turn to more advertising of their brand, be it through traditional ads and/or social media. Still others look to improve on their products.

In other cases, the man or woman running a small business comes to the realization that they need to be more mobile. When you break it down, it essentially means offering mobile payments to their clientele.

According to a Yankee Group estimate, the global transaction value for mobile payments will be around $984 billion by 2014, up from a figure of $162 billion just two years ago. That involves transactions including mobile banking, contactless cards and mobile coupons among others.

If your small business has been slow to adapt to the mobile payment world, you have likely been missing out on a decent share of revenue.

mobile payments
Image by monty.metzger / Flickr

In order to better understand the world of mobile payments and how they can help your small business, consider the following:

Mobile payment providers work with you – As more mobile payment providers work their way into this growing market, small business owners have choices as to which provider they want to work with. Many mobile payment providers do not charge small business owners a start-up fee, while many provide free card readers. The goal here is to do your research of which provider best fits your business needs. Make sure you have a good idea of what your company’s revenue is to help you determine the best provider. Also research a provider’s financial stability, track record for customer service, and if there is any pattern of customer complaints (you can use the Better Business Bureau in this effort);

Get to work on mobility – Once you have a mobile payment provider lined up, the setup time is minimal, while there is little training for you or your employees to process such transactions;

Impulse buying – It is not uncommon for many customers to buy on impulse. That being the case, you stand to increase your revenue when you offer them a mobile payment option. If a customer has to wait to go online to buy from you, they may end up not making the purchase, meaning you lost out on potential revenue. On the other hand, letting them swipe a smartphone at checkout or when you visit their office or home (if you sell on the road) can lead to more sales;

Sell on the go – There are many small business pros who sell products and services on the road. For those occasions, offering mobile payments just makes sense. Whether you go to someone’s home or office to deliver products or services, you have the mobility to conduct a transaction without being tied to your store or office. Not having to rely on a point-of-sale terminal or magnetic-stripe card reader opens up more revenue opportunities for your small business, as customers like the flexibility of being able to do business with you in the comfort of their home or office, meaning they do not have to travel to your business locale. In the end, it is a win-win situation for both parties;

Emphasize security – One common concern customers can end up having with mobile payments is will there data be secure? Make sure you point out to them that the information they provide is encrypted and is entirely safe to transmit via a mobile payment. Once you have the customer’s sense of security covered as it relates to privacy and avoiding fraudulent charges, there is no reason not for them to want to do business with you in this manner;

Promote your mobility – Finally, make sure that your current and potential customers know about the fact you offer mobile payments. Use your social media outlets to advertise the fact, plus make sure you note it through both your employees and your traditional advertising venues. Offering customers specials and rewards for making transactions via mobile payments is a great way to increase such revenue.

While many small business owners are still warming to mobile payments, others have taken the ball and run with it.

The question is, are you ready to make your small business more mobile in 2013?

About the Author: Dave Thomas covers small business topics for various websites, including why companies should accept credit cards online.

Tips for New Users is one of the most highly used CRM platforms by organizations around the world today. Companies train users when they implement Salesforce for the first time, especially the ones who are constantly using it. Despite all that, many first time users find it difficult to use the platform. For the people who manage, they find that efficiency is not as high as it is expected to be. Here are some tips that first time uses should keep in mind to ensure that they are comfortable with Salesforce right from day one.

salesforce slogan
Image by Jon Mountjoy

Pay Close Attention in Training

One of the things about Salesforce is that its benefits are not so apparent when you just glance over the GUI. You will have to look closely to figure out the different options and tools that are available for your use. The training is where you will get all the relevant information. Pay close attention to training and make sure that you don’t slack off at any stage.

Access Codes and User Privileges

Different users of Salesforce have different levels of access rights and user privileges. These privileges include editing, copying and deleting information. The administrators and developers have the highest rights and if the user is one of either, then they should be made aware of the responsibility of their position. The fact that they can access every nook and cranny of Salesforce gives them a lot of responsibility. This should be made clear to the users so that they will be careful right from the day one.

Using Salesforce Applications

Salesforce has an exclusive market where a wide range of apps are available and you can buy them to make your jobs easier. Most apps have to be purchased from the market and if you are an administrator, you will have the option of buying it. Make sure that you evaluate the need for an app comprehensively before you buy it. If possible, make it a team decision so that you will get different perspectives on the issue.

For Improving Productivity and Efficiency

There are a plethora of tools and options available on the Salesforce platform. It is very easy to get confused while deciding to use the tools that your job requires and you might end up using multiple tools that will only result in decreased efficiency. It is better to take the opinion of someone who is experienced with these tools and the job you do to help you out so that you will not be a victim of this confusion.

About the Author: Grace is a CRM and Cloud Applications expert. She writes extensively on emerging trends affecting the cloud and social media. One of her favorite cloud solutions is Cirrus Insight, the leading application for integration of Salesforce and Google Apps.

How to Use Twitter Hashtags – 4 Simple Tips

You might think that businesses are so ‘au fait’ with Twitter as part of their marketing strategy that they’ve got nothing new to learn – right?


The fact of the matter is, they still aren’t maximising the potential of their tweets. You know why? Because they don’t get #hashtags.

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Image by joe0153

A Twitter hashtag is essentially a keyword phrase or topic with a hash sign in front of it to identify it, and it works by connecting users who are talking about the same topic so their tweets appear in the same stream. Hashtags are searchable in Twitter search so users can easily find the topic they’re interested in – if it’s popular enough it will be deemed ‘trending’.

But what you really need to know is how you can use them to boost your Twitter profile.

So here are some simple, actionable ways you can use hashtags to your advantage and move your Twitter marketing forward:

Be Original

When creating your hashtag you’ve got to be original both to stand out and to ensure your chosen hashtag hasn’t already got a lot of activity around it. The easy way to do this is by using the Twitter search engine to check out the number of hits your hashtag gets. If it gets too many you’re better off selecting something different – it will mean less competition and you will run a lower risk of people outside your target market detracting from the conversation.

Don’t Saturate

Pace yourself! It’s important to tweet your hashtag regularly, but don’t swamp your followers with it -people will start to ignore it and it could be perceived as spam which is totally the opposite of the desired effect.

Put it into Context

This might sound obvious, but let your audience know exactly what your hashtag means. You could choose to create a hashtag with a self-explanatory name, explain what it means in a tweet, or provide a link to a page with a more detailed article or description – particularly good for events and products.

Add value

Ideally you want to give your followers something valuable with your hashtags. This most often applies to when you are using hashtags to advertise an event like a webinar, competition or product release. Make sure you decide on a single hashtag to represent your event early on so you can use it throughout the event promotion. Choose a hashtag that’s got a bit of pizzazz to grab attention – keep it short and snappy.

Remind your followers of the event regularly – and by that I mean several times daily. However mix it up with tweets on other topics and keep it light-hearted not pushy. Make sure people are aware that using your chosen hashtag will mean everyone can track anything related to that event easily – demonstrate its value.

So if you’re one of the many entrepreneurs who aren’t sure how hashtags can help their marketing campaigns – these tips are a sound starting point for you. Get to grips with these simple basics and you’ll be well on your way to being a hit hashtag success!

About James T Noble: James makes small businesses bigger. He’s worked with some of the world’s largest brands and companies to market their products and services online – including Disney, Microsoft, 20th Century Fox, Virgin, Coca Cola, MTV and many others. Find out more and read business growth tips at

Employees Worry as Managers Track Their Activities

Employees have a reason to get anxious about the security of their cell phones and invasion of privacy of their personal lives. Employers are now taking advantage of Google that has come up with the latest tool which works as a cell phone spy.

This tool will enable employers to detect movements of their employees outside the office.

Google Maps Coordinate has joined hands with employers to facilitate them with a new cell phone spyware that will be available to them for payment of just $15 a month per employee. The application will allow employers to keep track of the activities of their employees and save them time in giving instructions.

employee tracking tool

All team members can be tracked via a Google Map – image from Google Maps Coordinate

Employers spy with Google Map

Employees will be shown as moving pin-points, monitored by the employers anytime of the day. These pin-points work as a navigation tool to allow employers to track their employees anywhere at any part of the day.

This tracking device comes in handy for companies when they send their employees on outdoor work. Through the use of this application, employers can stay connected to their employees working in the field. However, employers would have a hard time tracking them if the device is switched off. Not only does the device locate people in open air, but it also picks signals inside a building or covered area, reports Daniel Chu, senior product manager, Google.

Service Industry makes the most out of tracking device

Google understands the importance of time. The device helps the service industry perform maximum in a limited time. Mr Chu is hopeful about the success of the device. Chu said employers in the field of financial services, manufacturing, sales and repair services will find the application extremely useful.

Mr Chu gave a demonstration on the use of Google Maps. Suppose an electric company receives a complaint about failure of a powerline in a suburban area quite far from the office. The entire town is out of power and the line repairman would take at least an hour to reach the town – what will you do in such a situation? Google Map comes to your rescue – you can detect the location of a line repairman in the vicinity of the town, contact him and get the job done in minimum time!

iPhone users skip the spy radar

Cell phones have become a basic necessity of life. According to a study done by a research firm, IDC, the number of cell phone users will increase to 1.3 billion by 2015, which accounts for roughly 37% of the employee workforce.

Google assures employees of complete security of their privacy. Employees will be able to switch off their tracking device when they are off duty or during luck breaks. A notification will be shown on their cell phones to inform the user of activation of the tracking device.

However, iPhones and iPads users need not worry, as the device is not compatible to the functions of their cell phones. It operates in Android phones as an Android spyware and monitors every move of the user. But the relief of iPhone users can be short lived as Google is working rigorously to make the app compatible for Apple’s iOS within a year.

Author Bio: Natalia David, an author significantly contributes towards cellspyexpert mobile spy software and android monitoring software. If you want to know more about Natalia you can follow her on twitter @NataliaDavid4.

4 Social Media Sites that Will Generate Business

If you’re a business owner who’s done any amount of marketing research, chances are you know the value of an effective social network marketing strategy. These social media networks are literally vast watering holes full of consumers, and if you’re not taking advantage of their accessibility, you’re missing out. Utilizing social media to gain business is probably one of the easiest marketing strategies out there. By making smart choices and sending the right message, you can effectively reach millions of customers on your own, without having to hire professional help. While you’ve most likely heard of these top 4 social media sites, you may not be using them to their fullest extent. So we’ve broken them down to help you boost your business ASAP!

LinkedIn logo
Image by Mario Sundar


This social media giant is the number one choice for business owners who want access to millions of consumers and their wallets. With 845 million active monthly users, Facebook offers plenty of opportunities for businesses to connect to the public. Try adding Facebook connect buttons to your website, use Facebook to connect and interact with your customers and add incentives like coupon postings or special deals on your Facebook page. That’s just a few ways to get started using Facebook for your benefit, and it’s all free.


Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is a professional social media site by design. Rather than building a friend or fan base, you are able to build a network of people who are interested in the exact services or product you are offering. Companies not only use LinkedIn to generate business, but it can be used in the hiring and networking processes as well. By creating a clear, concise description of your company, adding a call to action that will get people excited about your product and promoting your group, you can attract thousands of people to your network that you would otherwise never have reached. Just make sure everything is grammatically correct and extremely professional—LinkedIn isn’t a Facebook replica!


While Twitter is most commonly known for its connectivity to the personal lives of the stars, more businesses are turning to Twitter for marketing purposes. There are so many Twitter business tools available that it can sometimes be overwhelming. However, it isn’t necessary to dive in head-first. By simply creating a Twitter account for your company and connecting with people, you will get your brand out there. Keep your information up-to-date, follow leading individuals in your industry, retweet (retweeting is quoting someone else’s tweet!) useful information and make an effort to be retweetable. Not only will you gain followers, but you will reach new consumers every time someone else retweets your correspondence. With over 500 million users, Twitter can be your business’ best friend.


YouTube is often overlooked as a valuable social media marketing website. However, not only do YouTube users watch over 4 billion videos a day, but you can integrate your YouTube videos into your Facebook and Twitter pages. Try posting a few do-it-yourself videos for a simple service your company offers. Not only will viewers appreciate the free advice, but they’re likely to remember your name when it comes time to opening their wallet as well. Let’s say a car part retailer offers free installation videos on YouTube. Not only do they reach a huge viewership, but when it comes time to purchase the car parts, their name is fresh on the minds of their consumers.

Old-school marketing strategies are not exactly a thing of the past. While these old techniques are successful reaching one group of people, online social media sites can span the globe with information on your business. Your brand has the potential to make it into the living rooms of people all across the world. All you have to do it get your name out there!

About the Author: David Skimmer is a business consultant who enjoys web design and is a contributing author for