How to Become a Freelance Writer

Have you ever wondered where all of the information on the internet comes from?  The information on the net is called internet content, and someone has to write it; that someone can even be you.  Freelance writing is a fun and interesting career or sideline, depending on how good you are at it and how much time you want to devote to it.  One of the biggest advantages to it is how few the tools are, and how small the investment is, that you need to get started.


This is a given, of course, but you do have to have a computer that is speedy and powerful enough to process your documents efficiently.  If you have to spend half of your time downloading and uploading documents, or getting “hung up” because of a sluggish computer, even as a part timer, you will not make enough money to make it worth while.

Word processing program

Almost any word processing program can be used to write, but if the one you are using is not compatible with the most popular programs, you may leave yourself out in the cold.  There is a lot of competition in the field, and if a site owner wants to buy your material, he will be quickly dissuaded if he has to go through too much trouble to do so.  There are plenty of other writers using Microsoft Word.

freelance writing
Freelance writing

Internet access

Slow dial up connections will not only slow you down when you need to transmit your texts, but navigating on the sites where you will find your writing assignments will also be slow and tedious.  Time is money, so you have to be prepared to quickly review and bid on interesting projects.

Decent writing skills

The first three ingredients to being a freelance writer can be bought, but writing is indeed a gift.  You must have a good command of the English language and a real desire to write and an enjoyment of the writing process.  Most good writers are avid readers and learn a lot through their reading.  You can improve your writing skills by studying some writing guides or even taking a writing course, and you should have a usage guide (Fowler’s is the bible for most writers) that you can refer to when you are unclear about how a sentence should be constructed.

Great imagination

Here is where the rubber meets the road.  Unless you intend to concentrate on technical writing (which can be a lucrative niche if you have a strong specialty), you have to let your imagination run free and be able to call upon all of your life experiences, shared histories with others, and perhaps even a bit of fantasy.  You may want to make sure you have the highly developed imagination before you invest in the computer and the high speed internet access.

Before hiring a freelance writer, or agreeing to work as a writer for a new employer, you may want a criminal background check. Both parties involved can save themselves time and problems by doing this one simple task.

Image: ElvertBarnes / Flickr

Some of the Best Small Business Ideas for 2012

Happy New Year 2012, everyone!

Entrepreneurs – let’s kick off this year strong… I feel that 2012 is the breakthrough year for many small businesses. That being said, entrepreneurs considering to start a business this year but still haven’t discover the right business ideas to pursue, you’d better start looking now. You don’t want to late in riding the wave!

To inspire you, here are some resources I recommend you to visit for small business ideas – check ’em out:

2012 top 10 small business ideas presents you with 10 small business ideas that we think lucrative for 2012.

17 Great Business Ideas for 2012
Here are a few great business ideas for 2012 that might get your entrepreneurial juices flowing.

Top Small Business Ideas for 2012
25 lucrative small business ideas – 90 percent of them are services.

Business Ideas for 2012: Top 20 Small Business Ideas for Small Towns
20 local small business ideas that can help your local community’s economy grow.

30 Big Ideas, Trends and Predictions for 2012
Here are what small-business owners nationwide think of small business trends and ideas for 2012.

Must-Read Books on Starting Your Own Business

If you’re thinking of starting your own business, chances are you won’t be able to do it alone. If you’ve never attempted to start a business before, or if you’ve done so and failed, it’s a good approach to read and learn as much as possible on the subject. There is so much involved with owning a running a business. It’s an in-depth process and a serious undertaking. The more you know, the better prepared and more likely you’ll be to succeed in your ventures. Before you begin, here are some must-read books on starting your own business.

Start Your Own Business: The Only Start-Up Book You’ll Ever Need

By Rieva Lesonsky and the Staff of Entrepreneur Magazine

This is one of the most comprehensive books on starting your own business. The title is fairly accurate – it is one of the only books you truly need to read. Entrepreneur Magazine is an incredible resource for small business owners, so it’s only natural that the book created by its staff is, too. This book will walk you through everything you need to know about starting a business from day one and onward. It covers all the details, including investors, equipment, employees, daily operations, long-term plans, and so much more, along with helpful worksheets. It makes all the complicated details easy to understand for anyone who is interested in becoming a business owner.

Small Business for Dummies

By Eric Tyson

This book makes starting a small business accessible for even the most inexperienced businessperson. It is another comprehensive guide that focuses on giving you the practical tools you need. It will help you translate your dreams and ideas into a concrete plan that can succeed. One great aspect of this book is that it gives a lot of great financial information, including how to figure out what your business will cost, how to navigate financing, and how to track your cash flow. Other aspects include management, marketing, and customer loyalty.

The Accidental Entrepreneur: The 50 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Starting a Business

By Susan Urquhart-Brown

Written by a successful entrepreneur, this book does exactly what it sets out to do – give you important insight into the business world. There are many things contained in this book that are often only learned through years of hard work and experience. The “secrets” laid out in the pages provide valuable insight into what it’s actually like to run a business, and what is truly most important to ensure it is successful.

Think and Grow Rich

By Napoleon Hill

This is a classic and best-selling book for a reason. It will truly help you to get in a successful mindset. If you have confidence in yourself and a positive attitude, you have the tools to make your business grow and thrive. This book will help you transform your thinking so you can accomplish what you desire. You’ll be rightly convinced that your business goals are achievable, and you’ll be motivated to work hard at them. It will give you a solid foundation to start with, worthy of a true business owner.

From the writing studios of Terry Ford, Terry is a freelancer with a passion for excellence.

How to Start a Business

It takes more than just dreams to start a business. You need to acquire the knowledge of the kind of business you would like to set up. You will need to have a realistic plan of action and most importantly; you will need to have the discipline and the drive to carry out your plan of action. Starting your own business would be fulfilling for your personal and career life, but it is not only for you. It can also open employment opportunities for others which would further contribute to the development and progress of a community and the country at large. It is a very ambitious dream and goal to pursue.

It is very important to have a clear vision in your mind about the kind of business that you want. Without this vision, you will not have a foundation. You will not be able to create a realistic plan that may persuade the bank or financial institution to give you a loan. In essence, you have no grounds to build anything and you are just an empty vessel. It is therefore important to think about what you would like to do and the kind of business you would create from it. In addition, you need to think about how you would affect others. Would people find your business useful or productive to their lives? You need to ask yourself if what you are about to create if it will make a difference.

Once you have a vision in mind; for example, maybe you would want to start a magazine company or a fashion store. Whatever it is you will need to do some research to find out what is already on the market and if it is similar to your vision how are you going to do something different and unique; what kind of spin will you put to it. The research will also give you further tips and ideas on how you can start. There are not really any hard and fast rules.

After the theoretical aspect of your idea of creating your own business, you will need to begin planning. The plan is the meat of the matter so to speak. The plan will take into consideration where you will get the money for the manifestation of the business; where will be the location of your business? What are the resources, products etcetera that you need and how much you need for a start? How will you market your business to get customers, clients or investors? What will you offer them? How will you market yourself that you make back the funds to pay your loan and to meet your needs and the needs of the business? The planning may be overwhelming but it will be the anchor for your idea and help you to bring forth your vision.

You will need to build a network of individuals who will assist and aid you in your mission. You need financial people, public relations people, analysts, communication personnel. These invaluable human resources will help you build your empire.

Finally, you need to create a schedule of what you will do every day to reach the objective of getting your business on the ground, up and running.

Tips and Warning

  • Starting your own business can be overwhelming but it will be satisfying at the end of the day. It would be a good idea to seek out a mentor who will keep you in tune with your goals of starting your own business.
  • Remember to always acknowledge those who help you.
  • In order for your business to strive you must offer something unique and affordable and it must be within an area that will support your business.

For more information on starting your own business, read Home Business Startup Ideas and Beyond the Startup.