How to Make Your Marketing Message Do the Magic

Please don’t do it again. I mean do not make people feel devastated by bombarding with another advertisement. We have enough of this shit already and having said that I can safely assume that we are less likely to show any interest in your marketing message if you indulge in this practice. Therefore, it is quite evident that marketers need to step up their effort to make their marketing messages sound less promotional so that people do not necessarily object to them. You need to make it intense, clear and vivid so that it does not scare the hell out of the targeted audience. Wondering how you are going to do that? Here I am going to narrate some cardinal rules of creating a great marketing message:

do not make it stinks

Do Not Make It Stink: What irritates me is the attitude of some marketers. They believe that they are here to promote their services and they have no such intention to give two hoots to the likes and dislikes of audience. But to make your marketing message curry favor with the targeted audience, you should not behave like this. Do not make your marketing message sound like another sale pitch. Add some personal elements, funny twists so that the audience can relate to it.

make your message clear

Make It Clear: If you cannot convince them, confuse them. This is one of the few marketing mantras that are religiously followed by marketers around the globe. But you should not apply this tactic while creating a compelling marketing message. Describe your service in clear language and make it a point that you are giving adequate reasons to the audience to choose your products over others. In short, people love simplicity and therefore, do not make the whole things appear complex by using jargons or evasive language.

sense of urgency

Convey A Sense of Urgency: The purpose of all marketing campaigns is to drive as much traffic and conversion as possible. So, your marketing message needs to show certain signs of urgency so that the audiences are prompted to action. Rather than ending with the benefits of your service or product, you can convey a sense of urgency in the form of adding texts like this – “Sign up now before the offer ends”, “Offer available still stock last”, “Hurry up, grab the offer now !”.


Humanize Your Message: People are most likely to stick around you and your company if you make them believe that you are not there just to make profit. Definitely, a business cannot survive without making profit, but you should not give too much attention to that while writing a sales pitch for your business. Rather you should add some human elements in them to inspire a long-term loyalty. Try to make it evident that your business is real and you will always be there to protect the interest of the customers.

think like a customer

Put on the shoes of a Customer: Once the draft is ready, you need to refine it as much as possible. Focus on the objectives of the sales pitch and trash anything that appears to be unnecessary. Think like a customer and find out what interests you and what irritates you in the draft. Once you got clear idea, fine-tune the draft and hopefully, it will be another arsenal in your marketing campaign.

Author Bio: Michael Evans is passionate about search industry and web design.

5 ways banks are attracting more customers

For a bank, getting customers are pretty difficult these days; launching great bank account offers is a plausible way to get new customers, but having great programs alone is not enough; you need to get your hands dirty and be active.

Since what you are offering are pretty much similar with your competitors, your bet way in soaring above the competition is by adding value to your conventional banking products. One of the most effective ways to add value is via rewards.

unique bank ad
Image by IK’s World Trip / Flickr

If you are involved with any banking institutions here are some ways banks can attract more customers to give you an idea or two:

1. Offering unique – even quirky – rewards

Giving new customers rewards are quite common (and still effective, somehow.) However, sometimes banks need to spice up their offers. Offering something unique that has never been offered by other banks will surely make a bank stands out above the rest. For example, Hanmi Bank has given customers a bag of rice (!) for opening a checking account (source: The sky is the limit!

2. Ask customers for referrals – and reward them

Customers are banks’ best evangelists. If a bank’s service is top-notch, chances are customers will likely to tell their friends and colleagues about it. How about encouraging your customers to get you referrals by giving them rewards – shopping vouchers, etc. ?

3. Partnership

A good partnership is always crucial for any type of businesses – including banks. Partnering with, say, an education institution can allow you tap onto a strong customer base (students, teachers, etc.) How about cross-selling with a, say, department store to give customers special discounts if they have an account with your bank?

4. Use social media

Just like many traditional industry, banks are slow to adopt social media. According to The New York Times, banks are slow to embrace social media. Given the success of others in social media arena, banks should embrace social media more.

5. Go back to the basics

This is probably the best way to attract customers to your bank: Build a relationship in a good, old fashion way. Help customers with their needs – nurture and care them well. No advertising budget to spend; just focus your efforts in serving your customers. Local customers are indispensable, indeed.

So, there you go – some of the most effective ways for banks to attract more customers. Of course, there are many other (creative) ways a bank can do to get new customers; so if you have any please share with us by leaving your comments below.