Tips for Being Productive Outside the Office

If you have ever had a job working in an office, then you have probably heard plenty about productivity. Many bosses take great care about finding out how productive potential employees will be when looking to hire new staff, and productivity is often a big part of performance evaluations.

Productivity is simply a big part of having a job; however, productivity should extend outside the office. After all, going the extra mile is what separates the good employees and the excellent employees. But it can be difficult to be productive outside the office if you do not know how.

business productivity tips

Separate You Work and Social Life

One big part of being productive outside the office is separating your work and social life. One good way to help keep these two sides separate is to get a second phone line. This does not mean you need to carry two phones, since the SmartPhone app Line2 can work as a second phone line on a SmartPhone for business calls. Separating your phone lines can help you to seem more professional and productive.

To further keep your work and social lives separated, avoid making many friendships that might interfere with your work. It is fine to have a colleague or two that you get a drink with after work sometimes, but it might be a problem if you find yourself invited to your employee’s daughter’s birthday party.

This is a matter of common sense and personal judgment, since all business relationships are different, but it’s generally not a good idea for business associates on different levels of “the food chain” to get too close. This not only can cause people to become suspicious if you or your friend gets a raise or paid vacation, but it can also lower your productivity dealing with the issues that can arise.

Working From Home

Another situation that can give people trouble is when they have to work from home or a hotel, such as finishing and sending in a report while on a business trip. It can be distracting and demotivating if you do not have to get ready or dressed to go into work, so many people find themselves becoming less productive in these situations.

The best thing to do is pretend you are at work. When you wake up, take a shower and get dressed. This gets you in a working mindset. Set a strict schedule and follow it, and avoid all distractions such as television and friends. Also, make a list of things to do every night for the next day. This will help you keep track of exactly what you need to do.

If there is one thing that impresses employers and future employers, it is an individual’s ability to be productive outside the office. It is often the deciding factor when an employer is deciding between applicants for an open position or when deciding who they need to lay off. Increasing your productivity outside the office is a great way to put yourself ahead of the competition.

About the Author: Jessy is a stay-at-home mom and business blogger.

Screen Printing Equipment Ideas for a T-Shirt Business

Finding the right screen printing setup is essential for new businesses and businesses that are looking to upgrade. Some people go by word of mouth; others do serious research. Your best bet is a combination of both. Although, it is impossible to cover all your options in one article, here are some highly recommended systems you should investigate further.

Vastex V1000 and V2000 Screen Printing Equipment

Instead of offering pre-packaged bundles, the Vastex systems are completely custom-configurable. The V1000 system is an entry to mid-level system while the v2000 system is designed for businesses with higher-end needs. Businesses can purchase equipment ranging from one color, one station to ten colors, ten stations, with a wide selection in-between. The company’s salespeople will help guide you through the process of putting together your own unique starter package by recommending other items you will need. Base unit prices currently range from approximately $2,050 to $9,376. It is worth noting that these are starting list prices only and your final purchase price will vary based on what configuration you order.

vastek v1000

Workhorse Products

Workhorse Products currently offers 13 different manual screen printing systems in their Mach and Odyssey Manual Printing series. Systems range from four color, four stations to ten colors, eight stations. The Odyssey Manual Printers series are the company’s entry-level machines; however, they are capable of handling the needs of home, small to medium sized screen printing businesses. The Mach Manual Printing series is geared more for high-end professionals and large businesses. Speed varies widely depending on which system and configuration you choose, so you should consult with one of their sales professionals. Additionally, the company does not publish pricing information on their website. For pricing information, you have to call (800) 778-8779 and press extension 1 for sales.

Printa 770 Series

Printa’s 770 series screen printing equipment is worth considering because the company offers different complete start-up packages based on what the buyer needs. All models are four colors, four stations. The 770 standard system prints up to 40 items per hour, while the 770 Deluxe and 770 Deluxe Plus systems allow operators to print up to 60 and 100 items per hour respectively. All three systems include the four-color station, curing system, supply bundles and more. The 770 systems print on t-shirts, tote bags, sweatpants, hats, jackets and more. The systems are scalable so customers can purchase additional equipment to upgrade their system as needed. Prices currently range from $5,995 to $16,995.

Selecting the right screen printing equipment is crucial to your business’s profitability. Keep in mind that your profits depend on how many t-shirts you can print in a day. The more shirts you can print, the more you can bill your clients for. The profit is in the equipment, so take your time and choose your equipment wisely.

About the Author: Raphael Alavi has run his own screen printing business for 10 years and loves creating unique designs for charities, corporations, and public groups!

Interviewing 101: The Importance of Writing Thank You Notes

Chances are you were taught in college to send thank you notes after an interview. Many people brush off this tip, especially during their first jobs in fast food and other smaller jobs. However, thank you notes are not something to be taken lightly when it comes to landing a career. But, why? Why is a thank you note for an interview so important? Whether it’s to remind the company of your skills or to show professionalism, you need to remember this step. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of writing thank you notes.

Thank You Notes Serve as a Gentle Reminder

In this day and time, companies see hundreds of applicants for one job. Due to the poor economy, there is much more competition than there once was. One way you can stand out is by writing thank you notes. The note should thank the interviewer for his time and and briefly mention why you’re the best option for the job, without being too obvious. For example, you might say, “Thank you for taking the time to interview me last Thursday. I look forward to hearing from you and more thoroughly discussing the career. As a freelance writer with over six years of experience, I’m deeply intrigued by your company and the experiences the career has to offer.”

thank you notes
Business interview tips: Write a thank you note!

Thank You Notes Show Professionalism

Companies want employees who are professional in everything they do. Writing thank you notes shows interviewers that you are truly interested in the job and professional. It also gives you a chance to prove your communication skills, which are essential to most companies. It also allows you to stand out from your peers. Many people feel that this practice is outdated, but they’re wrong. Sending thank you notes to interviewers is one of the best things you can do after an interview to help improve your chances of getting hired.

Jobs, especially careers, aren’t as plentiful as they were 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. As someone looking for a career, you need to do what it takes to make yourself stand out from the crowd and get your name in front of the interviewer. One of the easiest ways you can do that is to send thank you notes. Whether you send an actual letter or email will depend on the type of company you’re interviewing for and how quickly the job will be filled. Regardless, this is something you need to do. It is even recommended that those offered the job before having a chance to send a thank you note, still send one that thanks the company for their time and offer.

About the Author: Armand Quintyne is a career counselor who makes sure all of his students know how to write resumes and thank you notes. He loves helping people find the resources to get a better education and often recommends sites like and others to those looking to get ahead.

Image: betsyweber / Flickr

Launching Your Own Digital Start-Up

Digital businesses are the buzzword today. These are not brick-and-mortar businesses; in fact, these are computers and Internet entities. The creation of a digital business is not very difficult, and requires far less money than a land-based or traditional business. However, like everything new, it requires careful planning and preparation.

Good Idea

Begin with a good idea, and then expand upon it. There should be clarity on what the business is all about, what is it going to sell or do, and what are the aims and goals of the business. The conceptual process is probably the most important part of any business; since, it lays the groundwork for all that shall come later.

Domain Name

Register a domain name which represents the name of the business. It should be easy to remember and easy to access. Registration of a domain name also gives email ID’s and, in some cases, websites are also part of the package. As in a traditional start-up business, the name should reflect the aim or purpose of the company.

digital business tips


The most important aspect of a digital business is its website. It is the face and the office of the company and it is the first point of contact for the clients. An error-free and well-designed website is the biggest asset a digital business can have. It is equivalent to having the best manufacturing facility a company can afford. Navigation through the website should be easy, the content should be clear and crisp, and all contact information should be clearly marked. The images should reflect exactly what the company is selling, or offering to the clients. In a traditional start-up, the office or factory is the productive space; and in a digital start-up, the computer replaces the factory or the office. A digital start-up is not limited by the location; it can be conducted from anywhere defying geographical boundaries.

Financial Software

The second most important part of a digital start-up firm is the quality of the financial software being used. All transactions should be securely routed, and the client should be able to make payments easily with a single click of the mouse. Credit card processors and payment platforms should be an inherent part of the financial software. This should be arranged much before the first sale goes through. Any glitches can lead to the loss of good customers, and also monetary losses.

Communication Strategy

Keeping in touch with customers has now become very easy due to the various online platforms. Social media, email newsletters, and websites – all these have made the world move closer, but it has also enhanced the need for excellent communication strategies. Attention spans have become shorter; hence, information needs to be condensed into fewer words and presented in a crisp manner. There has to be quick interaction with the clients, the response times need to be much shorter than they would be for traditional businesses and since there is no personal interaction, the written words should be satisfactory.

About the Author: This article is written by James Bentham.

Image: renjith krishnan

Why Your Business Should Try Online Accounting

The push for businesses to get online has never been stronger. With so many free social sharing platforms popping up, it seems an essential part of the marketing plan needs to be online activity. For some business owners getting online can be a daunting experience, especially if there isn’t a website already in place. There’s a lot to think about when using online technology for marketing including graphics, copywriting and maintenance which can be overwhelming. But marketing isn’t the only benefit for business when it comes to using the internet.

Using online software applications for management tasks is much less daunting than social media marketing and graphic design. It’s quick, easy and most of the time free to tree or use to a basic level, and most of all will save you time rather than taking up even more of your precious time.

Online Accounting Plus Points

The best time saver in online software, and one that all businesses will be able to find a use for is online accounting software for day to day book keeping and month on month reporting.

Instant Reports

Online accounting software is programmed to provide all the reports that a business owner could ask for. After inputting the month’s income and expenses, a report can be run to show profit and loss, a breakdown of expenses categories, an overview of the month and even a glimpse into the financial future of the business. All of this would have taken hours for one person to work through just using a calculator or complicated spread sheet, but now sophisticated reports are ready in just seconds.

Storage Saver

By moving all of your accounting online, you can save space when it comes to storing files and paper statements. Existing paperwork can be scanned in to the online account, and documents and files received by email can be uploaded quickly and easy without the need to print these off. The cost savings here are storage space and printing costs for paper and ink.

Safe and Sound

Keeping your account online is one of the safest and most secure ways to store them. The online accounting software provider will back up all of your data as soon as it’s entered online. It will be safe from accidental deletion, and can’t get damaged or lost like paper files can. It’s also secure from any break ins.

Getting online and making the most of the free business helping tools might sound scary, but once you’ve started using such simple and effective software, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t get online sooner.

About the Author: Katie Sykes is a small business advisor who set up her Brighton SEO company from home in 2010. Katie now supports young entrepreneurs looking to make the move in to self-employment.