Marketing with eBook – a Comprehensive Strategy

Do you know the bottom-line of running a business successfully? No, it is about being proactive or possessing a go-getter and killer attitude. It is about generating leads.

If you are incapable of generating leads for your business, your business is not going to make it. And probably for this reason, business owners go extreme and start doing weird things when they fail to get their business going.

They send their over-confident marketers to attend seminars to rub shoulders with marketer leaders with a desperate hope that they will be able to seal some crazy deals. Nevertheless, it rarely works. However, some others go extra miles. They invite affiliate marketers and try to make them believe that their product is going to change their lives for once and all. But this is not the way you should be marketing your business. This is definitely not going to help you generate any leads rather it will diminish your prospect.

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Rather than chasing your customers, you need to know how to provide value that will eventually draw more customers and businesses. And this can easily be achieved with eBook marketing. It is simple, cost effective and of course, it is environment friendly. However, before you jump onto the bandwagon, you need to know the rules of ebook marketing otherwise all your efforts will go wasted.

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How eBook work as a lead generation machine?

When you pay a visit your nearby shopping mall, I hope you have certainly seen shop owners trying to sell their products by offering some samples to try. By doing so, they are trying to provide instant value to their targeted audience and thereby making a huge stride to get them converted them into customers. Now, you can apply the same tactic while promoting your service. Since there is no option available to let your customers ‘taste’ your service, you can offer them a small eBook that will help them come to term with your offer or service.

And you know eBook is being considered as a powerful marketing tool because people do not consider them as a marketing tool. They usually take it as a source of information and therefore, you would not have to persuade them.

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The Obvious Benefits of using eBook

eBook comes with a unique benefit. Since traditional forms of marketing are proving less effective, ebook marketing is capturing the attention of all. As I have already said, it does not even look like a form of marketing. However, ebook does not need to be informative only; you can change the tone to suit your purpose. Just do not overdo things because it will defeat the purpose of launching the ebook.

  • The biggest benefit of using eBook as a source of marketing is that it is highly cost effective. Compared to its physical counterpart i.e. print magazine, ebook will not cost you an arm and leg. And the best part of ebook is that it does not necessarily have to 100 pages long. In fact, if you make it 100 pages long, no one is going to read this. The shorter, the better. Since people do not have much time in hand to go through a 100 pages long ebook these days, you need to make it short and sweet.
  • eBooks can be made a bit more interactive. Rather than making it another book with dry information, you can add videos, cool graphics, interactive pie charts and more. And if this is not enough, you can email your customers if you happen to update the ebook that will give a nice feeling to your customers that you care for them.
  • Since all things digital can be tracked or at least to some extent, you can measure the success of your ebook marketing campaign quite efficiently and precisely. If you have added links of your website in the ebook, you will be able to track how many visitors are actually coming to your website via ebook and how many of them are making the purchase thanks to the powerful tracking application – Google Analytics.
  • You can include call to action in the middle of texts in your ebook and believe me it can help you see some conversions. Since here the readers do not have to memorize the coupon codes or the long URLs or any other complex thing. They have to do far simple thing. Yeah, all they have to do is to click on the link and there they go. They will get landed right on your website and if the lady luck favors you, you will see more conversions and more business.

However, just publishing an ebook is not end of the task. You need to make sure that it is well written and the presentation is good enough otherwise it will not click. Here are the few things that you need to be careful about to make the ebook acceptable to your audience –

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  • Quality of images should not be compromised. Since most people are going to scan the pages, your ebook should look presentable with loads of interesting images. As the ebook is going to be your brand ambassador, you have to make sure that the formatting, writing, presentations etc are at par with market standard.
  • You are free to add logo or other brand-based images in the ebook but make sure that they are not making it look like a promotional pamphlet.
  • Do not ignore the difference between a traditional book and ebook. For say, if you are converting a slide presentation, you should not ignore the importance of incorporating images with the texts so that the readers can have the feeling of seeing the presentation. And the same goes with when you are converting spoken content. The conversational tone should be kept intact.

So, if you can manage to follow these simple tips, you will be able to make the most of ebook marketing campaign. It is powerful and highly effective and all you have to learn is to how to use it.

Author Bio
Stark Jensen is a passionate writer and he has written several articles on web hosting. You can check his latest articles on Hosting Review: iPage.

How Important is Hosting for a Small Business?

As a small business owner, you already understand that your business needs a great website. You may understand SEO and the principles of great content and finely-tuned usability.

However, website hosting is also crucial. Hosting underpins your website; it makes the process of maintaining your website easier and ensures it’s always available when customers visit. Choosing the wrong host can be an expensive mistake.

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photo credit: Tom Raftery via photopin cc

With so many plans on offer, how do you make the crucial decision and pick the best web hosting package?

The Importance of the Right Plan

On a very basic level, there are three types of hosting: site builder hosting, shared hosting and VPS/ dedicated hosting. As the price increases, so do the resources (and, in some cases, the quality of support).

It’s essential to choose a website hosting package. You need a service that supports your business without adding unnecessary admin to your daily workload.

Types of Hosting

Site builder tools are fine for many small businesses, particularly when they’re just starting up, but they’re inherently limited. Site builders are browser-based tools that offer templated designs and pre-set widgets.

An upgrade to shared hosting will be needed if you’ve engaged a website designer (or plan to in the future). Shared hosting is also more suitable if you wish to use a popular script like WordPress.

The type of hosting you choose will also affect the price. Costs vary greatly, from a few dollars a month right through to dedicated server packages costing hundreds (or thousands) of dollars a year. Also, you’ll notice that many web hosts offer discounts for hosting plans taken out over a longer term. This is effectively a contract lock-in, and if you don’t know how well the host performs, this lock-in could be a false economy.

Looking Ahead

  • Before parting with your money, it’s wise to closely examine the terms of the host’s money-back guarantee; if you want to move your website midterm for any reason, a money-back guarantee will ensure you don’t wind up paying for web hosting twice.
  • If you’re not sure about the resources you need, ensure your web host offers free upgrades. You’re then free to start with the most affordable package. Even if you outgrow the resources on your plan, you’ll be able to scale up effortlessly – and with zero downtime in most cases. This is usually better than over-committing to hosting that will drain your bank account unnecessarily.

The Importance of Availability

It’s important that a business website is available around the clock – or as near to that as possible. That’s why web hosts almost always provide some kind of uptime guarantee.

These guarantees are designed to protect website owners against faults at the data centre which can cause their website to become available.

Checking the Uptime Guarantee

  • Hosts that offer 100 per cent uptime are rare, and generally more expensive, but they do exist. However, it’s far more common to see 99 per cent uptime guarantees. (Remember: 99 per cent uptime actually allows for up to 3 days’ downtime per year.) Look for the best uptime guarantee you can afford.
  • Check the terms carefully. Many hosts offer account credits for prolonged downtime, but how easy is to claim? Would the credit compensate your business adequately – and is there a catch?

The Importance of the Right Hosting Provider

There are thousands of web hosting providers battling for custom from small business owners, and that can make the buying decision complex and tedious. Impartial hosting company ratings and host user reviews offer a shortcut, making it far easier to select the right plan.

Before signing up for any web host, check web host reviews from users carefully. Examine the specifications for your chosen plan, then compare host ratings and check the small print for each one.

Finally, don’t forget to look for webhost user reviews that are relatively recent. Web hosting providers occasionally change hands, and that can affect the quality of service customers experience. A stale webhost user review is unlikely to be as accurate as a current, up-to-date user review.

About the Author: Claire is a creative content writer working for, an independent hosting review website.

Is Your Office Building on Solid Ground?

For the small business owner who rents or owns an office space, one of the bigger concerns can be whether or not the facility is secure and safe.

As some business owners have discovered over time, their offices can be located in areas that are prone to security issues, weather issues and general overall safety concerns.

One such concern can be whether or not the building could be damaged by water should there be excessive rains and/or leaks on the grounds.

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photo credit: Craig Does Stuff via photopin cc

If that is a concern for your company’s office location, one way to go about fixing that is by putting in place underground leak detection services.

In the event you are not up to speed on how such services can assist your business, take note of:

Potential damages – In the event your building is hit with heavy rains and/or leaks due to faulty equipment on the grounds, you could end up spending a large amount of money to fix the problem or problems. With the right underground leak detection provider, you can quickly determine where the leak is coming from to minimize damages. If the damages are left unchecked, it can lead to safety and health issues that could cost your business more money in the long run. One such problem if left unchecked can be the emergence of mold, which can impact the safety of you and your workers. Not only will mold appear around damp walls and floors, but it also can produce spores that eventually will work their way into the air you breathe;

Age of your equipment – As some business owners who have rented or bought space over time will discover, the equipment in the building can be going bad. Faulty water pipes as an example can break over time, leaving the business owner with a financial headache, along with inconvenience for them and their employees. With the right leak detection provider, you can check and determine where leakage is coming from with pipes, under concrete, pavements, walls, sewer lines, utilities and more. In the event the piece or pieces of equipment are old, you can determine exactly what needs to be replaced;

Energy audits – Another plus when using such services is that you can determine where you need to zero in on in order to save money. With an energy audit, you can see where dollars are being lost, and what needs to be done to fix such wastes. As many small business owners who rent or own spaces can tell you, office energy expenses can prove very expensive over time. Knowing where you need to fix things can save your business money;

Keep the future in mind – Lastly, letting potential water issues go in your office could lead to damages that prevent you from selling the building down the road. By using an underground service periodically or when you know there is a problem, you can lessen the chances of permanent damage to the building. With that being the case, you can maintain a decent resale rate for the property should you choose to unload it at some point.

With the New Year off and running, are you detecting it may be time to give your office space another look?

About the Author: Dave Thomas covers small business topics for various websites, including finding the right underground leak detection for your company.

Make It Your Business to Highlight the Success of Your Employees

For many business owners, making sure their employees have all the necessary tools at their disposal to their jobs is paramount.

From office equipment to the right office setting, making sure your workers are comfortably suited to handle their responsibilities at work is beyond important. Without the right tools and setting, not only can it impact the product or services you can provide for your customers, but it ultimately could end up determining whether or not you remain in business for the long haul.

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photo credit: Zach Klein via photopin cc

With 2013 kicking off, take a few minutes to review the tools and setting that your employees have to work with, including:

  • The office – Are you in a space where your employees can comfortably do their jobs? Do they have access to essential items like computers, printers, fax machines, phones, and other office supplies? You might be surprised to learn that many small businesses can’t answer yes to that question. Whether it is because of a shoestring budget or other reasons, many workers just get by at work, meaning the product may ultimately suffer. Without going on a major shopping spree, review what your expenditures are for office equipment and see where you may be lacking;
  • Office policies – Although protocol says you provide new workers with an employee handbook when they first arrive at your company, some business owners fall behind on this important detail. Make sure everyone in the office knows what is and is not acceptable. The last thing you want to do is potentially set yourself up for a sexual harassment lawsuit, a lawsuit involving a client, or an issue with law enforcement. Review these policies with your workers at least once a year so they know the importance of such matters. In today’s litigious society, you can never be too careful;
  • Before and after work – Do you review the conditions your employees encounter before and after work, most notably security? While many offices have proper security, including video surveillance, others do not. From simple things like the proper lighting to making sure the building is secure, review the surroundings for your workers. As some business owners have discovered over the years, an unsecure environment can lead to problems, including potential lawsuits;
  • Recognize the highlights – While your employees obviously get compensation during the year, do you do the little things to recognize their achievements? Things such as a year-end party, birthday and employment anniversary celebrations, an office newsletter and putting together an office video or photo album from the last 12 months are great ways to keep morale up. A photo book you can compile using blurb promotional codes is a great keepsake for all workers, noting some of the fun times you’ve shared together. Given that many employees work 40 hours or more in an office setting weekly, a photo book can show each and every one the importance of working as a team;
  • Individuals matter – Lastly, sit down with each of your workers for a few minutes and see if they are happy in their present position. Are they coming to work with incentive or just to collect a paycheck? Do they like the team they work with or are they unhappy? Would they be even more productive if one or more things changed in the office? While some may be hesitant to speak, some will also share their feelings and thoughts with you, meaning a better work environment for all involved.


About the Author: Dave Thomas covers small business topics for various websites.

Top Payroll Outsourcing Concerns That Really Aren’t Concerns

In the past few years, small and large business, start-ups and organisations from all niches are opting for payroll outsourcing. Apart from being cost effective and time saving, outsourcing payroll has been preferred as it reduces legislation hassles, minimises risk and prevents heavy penalties levied on incorrect payroll information. However, even after gaining considerable popularity, outsourcing of payroll is surrounded by myths and concerns that don’t really exist. Here are some concerns about payroll that should not be a cause for worry in the first place.

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photo credit: 401(K) 2013 via photopin cc

Data security – Is it a real concern?

Although a realistic concern with any business, data security is a top priority for any payroll outsourcing company. While several finance professionals of the company worry about data security, especially payroll data, they have no reason to. Most payroll outsourcing companies invest heavily in the best and most secure technology to ensure data safety. Back-up software and storage are also in place for additional security. Outsourcing providers place utmost importance to data security and employ physical and intangible methods to keep your private data private.

These measures include physical security at entry points, impenetrable infrastructure for data transfer, clear desk policies as well as firewall defences. A concern about sensitive financial information is also well handled by outsourcing companies, who often quote that company data is safest with them.

Control over payroll – Who’s in charge?

It is a common misconception that payroll outsourcing is equivalent to losing control over payroll processes. In fact, with the right definitions and with the right outsourcing collaborator, you stand to have more control over these processes. While the outsourcing is being performed on the client server, it is being operated from a different location. In this setup, the company has to define job responsibilities and goals while monitoring employee performance.

When collaborating, the outsourcing company manages the payroll without taking away any control from the company. Apart from taking advantage of the expertise of outsourcing professionals, you can take better control of assessing employees and assigning payroll.

On the other hand, some companies are under the impression that opting for payroll outsourcing relieves them of their payroll functions. It is important to know that an outsourcing company merely manages the payroll while the onus of the entire process still lies with the client. The company is still required to collect and input essential details like pay information, time and vacation.

Expertise, experience and performance of outsourcing companies

While it is understandable that any company is concerned over the credibility and expertise for payroll outsourcing, it is important to note that all trustworthy and reliable companies are experts at their job. When you choose a reliable company, you no longer have to worry about their performance, expertise or experience in the field. Managing payroll remains the main business function of these companies and it is what they do best. However, it is also important to run thorough background checks, seek references and ensure that the contract is clean and hassle-free.

About the Author: Penny is an expert associated with i3Group a leading payroll service provider. Its custom corporate payroll solutions have helped blue-chip brands across industries manage payroll obligations efficiently and cost-effectively.