How Utilising Security Labels Can Save Your Business Time and Money

Security labels can save your business time and money in a variety of ways. Barcodes and serial numbers on security labels provide the clearest form of identification for a company, and can be used to help restrict errors during moves. At the same time, having an excellent labelling system means that you can find stock items more quickly, ensuring that you are able to decrease man hours and focus on other parts of a business. Security labels, moreover, can help to reduce the risk of electrical damage through regularly updated information, and act as a strong deterrent to thieves. Some of the cost and time saving benefits of security labels are developed in more detail below:

1 – Identify and Protect Stock

The main strength of security labels is arguably their ability to clearly identify and protect stock. A consistently branded set of security labels allows for easy identification across an office, a shop floor or a warehouse, and can provide scannable information that locates items within particular departments. In doing so, the amount of confusion caused by misplaced items, or doubts over whether an asset in a business belongs to it or an individual, can be reduced. Lengthy stock checks are reduced here by being able to visually identify these items, while double checking them through a handheld scanner.

2 – Reduce Errors During Moves

Security labels’ ability to standardise the relationship between multiple assets within a business means that it is possible to save time and money on moves. Barcoded and serial numbered items can get lost, or placed in the wrong containers for long moves, or when being sent out to customers and clients. Security labels allow for barcodes to be tracked, and for items to be scanned and recorded at their delivery point. Inter-office loans of expensive equipment can also benefit from the same approach, with item numbers recorded on loan sheets.

3 – Deter Theft

A security labelled asset within a business is much less likely to be vulnerable to theft. Security labels can be designed to be almost impossible to remove, and will leave tamper and voided marks when they are scratched or peeled off. This marking means that any stolen items can be quickly identified, particularly in the case of the theft of small items by employees. Minor costs can be saved on these types of theft, as well as major costs on any attempted thefts of larger items.

4 – Reduce the Risk of Electrical Damage

Security labels can be attached to electrical appliances that require regular testing for safety. These labels can contain rewritable spaces, which can be used to monitor the maintenance schedule for an appliance. Doing so means that a business is likely to save more money in the case of a fire or damage due to an electrical fault, as there will be a log of when the appliance was last tested, both on the appliance and through paper records.

5 – Allow for Better Inventory Management

Security labels can be essential to managing a large inventory. Expiry dates can be attached to labels for food and perishable items, and can also be used to mark out any damaged items within a warehouse. Again, rapid information, and the storage of information through barcodes can make it easy to track items. This level of precision is important for any company audits.

About the Author: Lisa jane is a freelance copywriter promoting Tollgate Labels and increasing awareness of the printed labels service that they offer.

Making Money Online – Tips for Building a Successful Small Business Blog

As our society continues to become more married to the web, so do aspects of our everyday lives. Because of this tech craze and a particularly challenging economy, many people are entering the world of online business and online entrepreneurship. While at one time blogging was considered more of a hobby for stay-at-home moms and angsty teenagers, today it has become both a hobby and a career for true professionals. Many of those angsty teenagers and stay-at-home moms have found blogging niches and concepts that have really lifted off. Whether you are a business owner trying to create a more pervasive web presence or a stay-at-home parent trying to give useful advice to other parents in a similar situation, your blogs today have the potential to really earn some money when done correctly.

Blogging has become one of the strongest and most successful marketing strategies for business owners online. It has also become a very successful venture for individuals’ seeking a nontraditional career path—but it’s all about doing it right. Consider these business tips to take your blog a step further in the world of business and profit earning.

Networking, Networking, Networking

Successful blogging and, frankly, successful business-running today boils down to strong networking skills. This day-in-age, it’s all about who you know. This is not to say that your blog will skyrocket into success just by knowing a famous blogger out there, but the connections you make can play a huge role in your success. The key to a successful blog is traffic. You want people to find your blog easily, see it, stick around for a while, and come back for more.

One way to gain a wider audience and thus gain more traffic is by sharing networks with bloggers in your same area. In the online world of business today, networking and promotion are one in the same. Get to know other bloggers online and forge a relationship with them. Use each other’s web space to mutually benefit from sharing followers. While many bloggers already consider networking a significant portion of their blog, there is always room for more. Invite guest bloggers, write guest posts, connect through social media—make the effort.

Figure out Where the Money Is

This sounds very business-like. It’s all about knowing where the money is. While this doesn’t really sound like a blogging tip, it’s certainly a business tip. Look at your blog in particular and other successful blogs throughout the internet and figure out where the money is coming from. What aspects of your blog are making you the most success? Consider offering advertisement space on your blog. Of course, you don’t want to compromise any creative elements of your blog, but understand that advertising is one area that can really pull in some profit. Compile (if you have not already) a strong mailing list and offer people the chance to pay for a small subscription to include their business on one or a number of your blog pages. Advertising doesn’t have to be a negative thing on your blog. Work with your network to find businesses that make sense to advertise on your page. Find things that can be useful and intriguing to your readership. You can also consider running sponsored posts on your blog for more income.

Patience and Persistence

You’ve likely heard it time and time again. But, patience and persistence really are key in blogging. With so many bloggers out there on the web, it can take some time and effort to really find your footing and create a following. You have to be patient with your business blogging efforts. You aren’t going to be able to create an amazingly successful business out of your blog overnight—in fact, you probably aren’t going to make a super successful business from your blog in six months. It takes time and it takes effort. Be persistent with your posting, advertising, marketing, and networking. If something really isn’t working, consider something new. Part of building your blog into a business involves educating yourself on business blogging matters. Try to understand the business. Learn about search engine algorithms and techniques. Try to learn about new social media and social networking trends. Staying up on the new things online will benefit your blog and business that much more.

Part of being a successful business owner is preparing for things in the business world that might not be easily anticipated. Bloggers and online business owners often overlook the usefulness of things like business insurance, business credit cards, and other “regular” business measures other companies take. By carefully following the tips discussed above, individuals are able to create blogs and business pages that are that much more successful. Be sure that you consider all aspects of business after your blog begins to really gain traction online. Things like small business insurance, liability insurance and other types of safeguards can be very important to running a successful business blog as well.

About the Author: Carol Wilson is a freelance insurance business writer who is in the midst of creating her very own business insurance guide for consumers. In the meantime, she likes to share her knowledge of business insurance and other business related topics such as marketing to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and other corporate moguls. She welcomes your comments at wilson.carol24 @

5 Tips to Better Understanding IR35 and How It Applies to You

If you provide freelance or contractor work, you may be wondering whether or not IR35 applies to you and if so, how you will be affected by it. Understanding the regulations regarding IR35 will help you to better prepare for it and ensure that you are not surprised if you receive a tax bill. Here are a few guidelines and tips that are designed to give you a better understanding of the topic.

  1. Owning more than 5 percent of a limited company in addition to having one client that contributes more than 60 percent of your turnover means that IR35 does apply to you. Note that you will also have to have a contract between that single client and your limited company and also work in a location that belongs to the client and use equipment that the client owns. This means that you are considered a disguised employee by that client.
  2. Legislation can be confusing and downright frustrating to understand. The HMRC has designed tests to determine if you are considered to be in disguised employment. You should ask yourself if you have the option of substituting yourself for another company employee or if the client actually controls when and how you work as well as the type of work that you do.
  3. If you are considered in disguised employment according to IR35 legislation then you will pay more tax. Your taxes will be paid as if you actually worked for the client in question. The income that is paid into your limited company from that specific client would also be subject for NI and tax. This makes the tax that you are required to pay much higher than the regular tax rates for limited companies with client or supplier relationships.
  4. You can prove that you are not actually in disguised employment. If you have your own business stationary and company logo and use your own equipment, this could show that you are not actually working for the client as an employee. Additionally, a company website for your limited company that is designed to bring in additional clients and ensuring that your contract is written properly can help as well. You can also prove that you are not in fact an employee if you work from a home office just as much as you work from the client’s office. You will want to secure a business telephone number even if you are using Skype or another virtual number.
  5. Understand that proving you are not in disguised employment can take money. After all, setting up a website, phone number and office space is not going to come cheap but you will be far better off in doing so as opposed to paying the higher tax imposed on you if you are deemed a disguised employee. Also understand that everything you pay in order to support your limited company is tax deductible so you will be giving back to other businesses instead of paying your money directly to HMRC. Small businesses acquire operating costs so if you can show that your company is paying for things just like other businesses, it can help you to prove your case regarding IR35 legislation.

About the Author: This article was written by Nixon Williams, offering IT contractor accountant services.

Anger Is Only One Letter Short Of Danger!

First and foremost, I want to state that it’s not in my nature to tell estate sales colleagues how to run their business. However, since I’m seeing so many new ones put between the proverbial rock and the hard place due to impossible clients, I thought they might find this guide on how to handle such clients useful.

Similar to any other business that implies working with people, in estate sales, it would be virtually impossible not to come across a difficult client. Perhaps due to a strong sense of possession or maybe because they don’t really trust people, some clients will bully you, hound you, accuse you of trying to steal from them, claim you are unprofessional and unable to conduct your business… you get the picture.

The worst case scenario

Now, I know that your first instinct is to start yelling back, walking out the door or worse. However, before you do anything rash, take a moment and analyze the consequences of those actions. Think of it this way: since the word that you failed a project will spread quickly in the community, what potential customer would believe you even when you are right?

In a small community, a hasty behavior may entail that you will experience a significantly harder time to get another job. Not to mention that there are some strange people out there who will try to intimidate and bully you and your loved ones. I admit, it’s a bit of a gross exaggeration, but bad publicity usually means fewer and fewer customers, lower sales and in the end insolvency. However, the good news is that there are ways to protect yourself against this type of clients.

Who is to blame?

Psychology teaches that at times people act angrily towards others simply because they make easy targets. Basically, they are angry at themselves, but because they cannot see that and need another target towards whom to express the way they are feeling, they will start yelling, bullying and blaming others instead. In short, sometimes it’s not about you, it’s about them. And, as if things were not difficult already, they will react even more angrily when you try to appease them: the more you give in, the more they will demand. In case you and the client cannot reach an agreement on this matter, then plan to walk away from the project in a calm and professional manner.

The tools are already in your arsenal!

It is very important that you get a signed contract before you start doing any work at all. Within the contract, you should make sure you have all the crucial details regarding the services you provide, obligations, clauses and anything else relevant to this business relationship. In the eventuality that you don’t have a good contract or no legal representative to looked it over, then I strongly advise you to get the professional opinion of a lawyer.

More often than not, clients will try to postpone signing the contract for various reasons, be it that they are too affected by the passing away of a loved one or because they are still unsure whether or not you are the right person to handle the auction. Regardless of the circumstances, it is in your best interest not to give in. Do not allow them to provide you with the signed contract “soon”. Besides the signed contract, there are other things you should be mindful of, such as:

  • Never make a promise that you cannot keep
  • Be organized and make sure your schedule allows you to allocate sufficient time to each client who hired you
  • Encourage your client to refrain from participating in the set-up or sale, especially if they appear too emotionally attached to the objects that are being sold

Don’t let one bad experience ruin it for you!

Once you ran into a client that constantly wines and complains about everything you do, it’s natural to expect trouble from every other customer as well. However, did you know clients pick up on negativity? Therefore, if you’re expecting to come across such a client this is exactly what you’ll get. My recommendation, irrespective of whether you had an unpleasant experience or not, is to view each case as unique and to approach every new project with a positive attitude.

About the Author: Hi, I’m Chad, an estate sales professional that has been in business for over 20 years and one of my recently discovered passions is to share my experience and write about the amazing world of estate sales.

Web Content For Small Businesses

Most small businesses do not have the right content on their website, which results in less traffic. Having good content on your site can help it  get to the top of search engine results and also attract users. The content on your website will also help in attracting links. So, always generate content that is meaningful and beneficial for the business. Having good content on the site is one of the best strategies that small businesses should incorporate to stay competitive. Here are few tips to consider while developing web content for your small business.

Have a blog on your site

You cannot attract viewers and increase traffic just by creating a good-looking design for your website. Your site has to be updated with useful content regularly, with the help of a blog. You can make use of CMS  (Content Management System) which includes Movable Type hosting and  WordPress. Instead of making use of hosting solutions like TypePad, WordPress or Blogger, you can consult a  expert and set up self-hosted blog engine on your server. When compared to hosting solutions,  self-hosted blog engines are very easy to modify and  can be integrated effortlessly into your website’s current design.

When you start blogging, register your firm’s blog as sub-directory ( instead of sub-domain ( When you do this, search engines will see the blog as a part of your website, and not as a separate site. When it comes to the design of the blog, it should be consistent with other contents on the website like navigation and header.

Hire professional writers

You need not be an expert to be able to write effectively. However, your grammar and language should be good. If you do not have the time to blog regularly, you can hire a writer to blog for your website. Before the writer starts blogging for your site, make sure you brief him/her about your product and company so that he/she knows what content to generate for your site. All the posts must be simple and easy to understand. Ensure that the posts written by the individual conforms to your company ideals and standards.

Developing a content mission can help

Viewers might stop visiting your blog if you do not update the content on it regularly. The content on your site has to be updated at least once a week. Before you start blogging, make sure you have a content mission which includes deciding what you want to include in your blog. For instance you might want your blog to give visitors information about your company or it can just include press releases of your products. If the information on your site is equipped with the latest developments in your business, it can attract visitors and also improve traffic for your site.

Allow archiving of pages

It takes very little effort and cost to include archiving page for media meets, investor bulletins, press releases, sales presentations, company fact sheets and product announcements. You will not know when the viewer might remember the presentation on your website and return to send it to a prospective customer. So, having archive option can prove to be useful in attracting traffic to your site and generating leads in the process.

About the Author: Penny Cooper is a blog writer  with professional writing service provider Godot Media. She is also an SEO writer and her interests range from and social networking to the latest internet technologies and trends.