It’s a very difficult time for people to find work, particularly for students entering the job market and those who have been made redundant or out of employment for a long time. It’s an accomplishment simply to be invited to interview and on average only 1 in 10 companies offer a “thanks but no thanks” response to applications. This is very depressing for people who have been seeking work for months or even years. Many people resort to taking jobs for which they are highly overqualified or to accept part-time work to try and make ends meet. Some people take out online loans while they seek work, retrain for a new career or as an investment in a new business.

One option for those who are out of work is to look into becoming self-employed. But where do you start? Just finding a job which is suitable can be daunting. Read on for inspiration.
Look Online
Try investigating online to see what other people are doing. Use a search engine and look for articles, blogs and forums where people recount their own experiences and offer advice and inspiration. You could also try on line quizzes and tests to find out what type of jobs suit your personality, interests and skills. Try brainstorming, keep notes and record every type of job that is appealing to you and then keep on researching.
Look at government websites to get information on becoming self-employed, including legal advice and information on self-assessment tax returns.
Look on job sites where people advertise their services to see what is available. Freelance websites are growing all the time; spend some investigating the work that is offered and also what services others provide. If you have a skill, such as writing, art, crafts or photography – look at what others are doing to make money from their abilities.
Talk to Other People
Ask around and find other people who are self-employed, they can be a great source of information and inspiration. Perhaps you have employed the services of someone who is their own boss, or perhaps you have other acquaintances who are self-employed. Ask your friends and family if they know anyone who might be willing to have an informal chat or give you a few pointers.
Talking to friends and family about your interests and skills is also a brilliant way to stimulate ideas. Sometimes you can overlook the obvious and an outside perspective might help. Your perfect job may turn out to be something you have never considered before, or even a job that you didn’t know existed!
Government Initiatives and Career’s Advice
Look for Pathways to Work or other similar initiatives provided by the government. Visit your local job centre or seek out a career’s advisor. If you are at university, careers advisors will be based on your campus, try to start thinking about your career options long before you leave. Being self-employed for a period of time is a valuable way to get work experience and looks great on a CV as it shows you are responsible and have initiative. If you have already left university, try contacting the careers advisors where you studied, it is likely that they are still willing or even obliged to see you as a graduate.
Local Media
Look at the types of work undertaken by self-employed people who operate in your area by looking in local and national newspapers or business directories. You may be surprised at the amount of different self-employed job opportunities that exist, in a range of different professions. They can range from routine and manual work to highly skilled professional roles. Don’t feel disheartened by the amount of jobs that you aren’t qualified for, just focus on what interests you. It is never too late to retrain or embark upon a new career. Also investigate funding that is available or the possibility of free or discounted courses that are available, particularly as a job seeker. Even some university courses are free, particularly those related to healthcare – where there is a desperate need for staff.
Investigate courses that are available, either online, through private companies or at local colleges. Find out which colleges offer adult education or professional qualification courses in your area, then look at their website or write to them to request a prospectus. If you are interested in retraining, you could look into online loans as an option for funding you studies.
About the Author: Wendy Derbyshire is a blogger who understands the current challenges of the job market. If you are considering taking a course or starting up your own business, why not investigate online loans to fund your new career?